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Syöpäseminaareja 2024

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Syöpäseminaareja 2024

Tälle sivulle päivitämme tietoa tulevista syöpäseminaareista. Seminaarit on suunnattu tutkijoille ja ammattilaisille. Esityskieli on englanti. Tervetuloa!

Sisä-Suomen syöpäkeskuksen seminaarit 2024

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Syöpäkeskuksen seminaarit

Syöpäseminaarit järjestää yhteistyössä Sisä-Suomen syöpäkeskus, Tays Syöpäkeskus ja Tampereen yliopiston lääketieteen ja terveysteknologian tiedekunta.

Warmly welcome to MET cancer Seminar on Thu 25.4. at 14.30–16

Speakers: Dr Emma Evergren and Prof. Ian Mills (40 min talk + 5 min for Q&A, each)
Venue: Arvo auditorium F115 and Teams, the link can be found below.
Host: Alfonso Urbanucci

Dr. Emma Evergren, Associate Director and Group Leader in the Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research (PGJCCR), Queen’s University Belfast:  Regulation of ER-mitochondria contact sites in prostate cancer progression

Prof. Ian Mills, John Black Professor of Prostate Cancer at the University of Oxford and Professor of Translational Prostate Cancer Biology, Queen’s University Belfast: Cross-talk and enabling biologies in the emergence and progression of prostate cancer

NOTE! If you want to meet the speakers and talk with them, contact Alfonso Urbanucci, please. There are still a few slots available for these researchers’ meetings.

Doctor Emma Evergren is an Associate Director and Group Leader in the Patrick G Johnston Centre for Cancer Research (PGJCCR) at Queen’s University Belfast. She holds a PhD in Neuroscience from Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, with postdoctoral training in biochemistry and cell biology at Medical Research Council – Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK. Emma’s research focusses on understanding the adaptations in membrane trafficking and organelle communication that cancer cells undergo to enhance cell survival and resist cell death. She has established a research program that utilises her unique skills as a biochemist and electron microscopist to investigate the fundamental biology of cancer cells. 

Prof. Ian Mills is the John Black Professor of Prostate Cancer at the University of Oxford and Professor of Translational Prostate Cancer Biology at Queen’s University Belfast. His research interests include identifying transcriptional and metabolic drivers of prostate cancer progression and defining molecular changes that support the emergence of treatment resistance.  Previously he has led groups at the Norwegian Centre for Molecular Medicine (NCMM) and the University of Cambridge and has supervised/mentored a number of prominent researchers in the field including Dr. Alfonso Urbanucci, Dr. Harri Itkonen, Dr. Andrew Erickson, Dr. Hayley Whitaker, Dr. Nikolai Engedal, Dr. Alastair Lamb and the late Dr. Charlie Massie.

Coffee and snack before the seminar


Kansalliset FICAN-syöpäseminaarit

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Kansalliset FICAN-syöpäseminaarit

Kansallista FICAN-seminaarisarjaa järjestävät yhteistyössä alueelliset syöpäkeskukset. Linkit seminaareihin julkaistaan noin kuukausi ennen seminaaripäivää.

Keskiviikko 8.5. klo 15–16

Puhuja: prof. Olli Lohi, Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen yliopistollinen sairaala
Otsikko: Precision therapy for childhood leukemia: Improving outcomes and reducing toxicities
Järjestäjä: FICAN Mid, Sisä-Suomen syöpäkeskus

Teams-linkki tilaisuuteen

Lue lisää – in English

FICAN webinars are jointly organized by regional cancer centers. This webinar is organized by FICAN Mid- Sisä-Suomen syöpäkeskus. The seminar will be held online (Microsoft Teams) and is open to everyone interested in cancer research.

Abstract: Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), the most common cancer among children, has traditionally been managed with chemotherapy regimens. While these treatments are effective, they often lead to significant toxicities and long-term side effects for survivors. The implementation of response-based risk grouping has been crucial in customizing therapies, thereby significantly enhancing outcomes and reducing treatment-related toxicities. The introduction of modern sequencing technologies has unveiled the complexity of the disease by identifying numerous genetically distinct subtypes, each with unique behaviors and responses to treatment. This shift towards personalized medicine is underscored by the exploration of immunotherapies and novel targeted agents for cases that relapse or show poor response, representing a considerable departure from conventional chemotherapy methods.

Our recent discovery involves the application of the general tyrosine kinase inhibitor dasatinib as a targeted treatment for both T-cell and B-cell ALL. In particular, the effectiveness of a combination therapy that included dasatinib and temsirolimus for T-ALL was shown in patient samples and preclinical animal models. Additionally, the sequential treatment of B-ALL with an inhibitor of Wee1, a cell cycle regulator, and dasatinib was effective in eliminating an escape pathway for residual leukemic cells. Furthermore, in collaboration with European partners, we have begun to delineate the genetic landscape of slow responding leukemias within the second common subtype of ALL, expected to have a favorable outcome.

The importance of international collaboration is critical in hastening the development of novel treatments for childhood leukemias. The advent of immunotherapies as a frontline therapy modality represents the next frontier, with high hopes for achieving greater efficacy and reduced harm simultaneously.

Selected publications:

Zapilko V, Moisio S, Parikka M, Heinäniemi M, Lohi O. Generation of a Zebrafish Knock-In Model Recapitulating Childhood ETV6::RUNX1-Positive B-Cell Precursor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Cancers (Basel). 2023 Dec 13;15(24):5821. doi: 10.3390/cancers15245821. PMID: 38136366; PMCID: PMC10871125.

Krali O, Marincevic-Zuniga Y, Arvidsson G, Enblad AP, Lundmark A, Sayyab S, Zachariadis V, Heinäniemi M, Suhonen J, Oksa L, Vepsäläinen K, Öfverholm I, Barbany G, Nordgren A, Lilljebjörn H, Fioretos T, Madsen HO, Marquart HV, Flaegstad T, Forestier E, Jónsson ÓG, Kanerva J, Lohi O, Norén-Nyström U, Schmiegelow K, Harila A, Heyman M, Lönnerholm G, Syvänen AC, Nordlund J. Multimodal classification of molecular subtypes in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia. NPJ Precis Oncol. 2023 Dec 8;7(1):131. doi: 10.1038/s41698-023-00479-5. PMID: 38066241; PMCID: PMC10709574.

Laukkanen S, Veloso A, Yan C, Oksa L, Alpert EJ, Do D, Hyvärinen N, McCarthy K, Adhikari A, Yang Q, Iyer S, Garcia SP, Pello A, Ruokoranta T, Moisio S, Adhikari S, Yoder JA, Gallagher K, Whelton L, Allen JR, Jin AH, Loontiens S, Heinäniemi M, Kelliher M, Heckman CA, Lohi O, Langenau DM. Therapeutic targeting of LCK tyrosine kinase and mTOR signaling in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Blood. 2022 Oct 27;140(17):1891-1906. doi: 10.1182/blood.2021015106. PMID: 35544598; PMCID: PMC10082361.

Mehtonen J, Teppo S, Lahnalampi M, Kokko A, Kaukonen R, Oksa L, Bouvy-Liivrand M, Malyukova A, Mäkinen A, Laukkanen S, Mäkinen PI, Rounioja S, Ruusuvuori P, Sangfelt O, Lund R, Lönnberg T, Lohi O, Heinäniemi M. Single cell characterization of B-lymphoid differentiation and leukemic cell states during chemotherapy in ETV6-RUNX1-positive pediatric leukemia identifies drug-targetable transcription factor activities. Genome Med. 2020 Nov 20;12(1):99. doi: 10.1186/s13073-020-00799-2. PMID: 33218352; PMCID: PMC7679990.

More information: 
